Carers Advice
Advice and Support for Carers
Definition of ‘carer’: A carer is someone who looks after and supports a friend, relative or neighbour who could not manage without their help. This might be due to age, physical or mental illness or disability.
It does not mean a professional care-worker or personal assistant who gets paid for their work.
Financial support for carers and those you care for: If you care for someone, there is a range of financial benefits which may be available to you and also to the person you care for. Do not be afraid to ask for help and claim what you are entitled to.
Carer's assessments: If you provide care for someone aged 18 or over, Social Services should carry out an assessment to see if you are entitled to any services that could make caring easier for you. A carer's assessment is about your needs as a carer.
Examples of help available
- Help with household tasks
- Help with caring tasks during the day and night
- Respite care
- Activities for the ‘cared-for’ person
- Benefits advice
- Contact details for Chiropodist, Community Dentist, Health Visitor or Optician
For further help or assistance please ask Gaynor Jones our Reception Team Leader.

Useful Contacts
Cardiff City Council - Social Services
Tel: 02920536444 (external link)
Direct Gov (Carers Allowance)
Tel: 01253856123 (external link)
Crossroads Care
Tel: 08454500350 Crossroads Care (external link)
Carer's UK
Tel: 08088087777 Carer's UK (external link)
Contact a Family - for families with disabled children
Tel:08088083555 Contact a Family (external link)
Carer's Direct (by NHS choices)
Tel: 08088020202 Carer's Direct (external link)
Alzheimers Society
Tel: 02074233500 Alzheimers Society (external link)
Age Cymru
Tel: 02920431555 Age Cymru (external link)
Independent Living Services
Tel: 02920234234
Mon - Thurs 8.30am - 5pm, Fri 8.30am - 4.30pm
Dewis Cymru
Is the place for information about well-being in Wales. Information that can help you think about what matters to you and about local organisations and services that can help.
Carers News and Events - Cardiff & Vale ULHB
Cardiff & Vale Parents Federation
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