Senior Health
CAVUHB Clinical Gerentology
Find our local services for Older People here
Age Connects Cardiff
For decades, local charity Age Connects Cardiff and the Vale has been here to help and support local older people and their families through some of the most difficult times in their life. They are committed to tackling loneliness, isolation and poverty amongst older people and strive to create a society where older people are respected, valued and heard.
Age UK
Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We believe in a world where everyone can love later life and we work every day to achieve this.
Telephone: 0800 169 2081
Website is HERE.
Dementia UK
Dementia UK offers specialist one-to-one support and expert advice for people living with dementia.
Telephone: 0800 888 6678
Keeping Me Well
Keeping Me Well has several useful local resources relating to dementia, memory loss, Parkinson's, fall prevention and much more:
Falls prevention
Falls Prevention - Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (
Stay Steady Clinics - Falls Prevention Advice (
The following videos explain everything you need to know about the Stay Steady Clinics:
Benefit from Stay Steady Clinics (English) -
Benefit from Stay Steady Clinics (Welsh) -
What are Stay Steady Clinics? (English) -
What are Stay Steady Clinics? (Welsh) -